Historical Regatta 2018
2 September 2018
The Historical Regatta (Regata Storica) is the main event in the annual “Voga alla Veneta” rowing calendar.
This unique sport has been practised in the Venetian lagoon for thousands of years and today it is particularly well-known for the spectacular historical water pageant that precedes the race. Scores of typically 16th century-style boats with gondoliers in period costume carry the Doge, the Doge’s wife and all the highest ranking Venetian officials up the Grand Canal in a brightly coloured parade. An unforgettable sight and a true reconstruction of the glorious past of one of most the powerful and influential Maritime Republics in the Mediterranean.
Today there are four races divided in terms of age and type of craft. The best known and most exciting of these is the “Campioni su Gondolini” race, where a series of small, sporting gondolas fly down the Grand Canal to the finishing line at the famous “machina”, the spectacular floating stage located in front of the Ca’ Foscari palace.
La Regata Storica è partner della campagna di sensibilizzazione del Comune di Venezia #EnjoyRespectVenezia
Program Sunday 2nd September 2018
From 4.00 pm
parade along the Grand Canal of historic boats with costumed figures, gondolas and boats from the Venetian rowing associations.
Route: San Marco Basin, Grand Canal, Rialto, Railway and return along the Grand Canal to Ca’ Foscari.
4.30 pm
Regatta de le Maciarele and de le Schie regatta on mascarete with two oars reserved for boys.
– Maciarele Senior (up to 14 years). Route: from Punta della Dogana to Ca’ Foscari
– Schie (up to 10 years). Route: from Rialto to Ca’ Foscari
– Maciarele Junior (up to 12 years). Route: from San Stae to Ca ‘ Foscari
4.50 pm
Regatta dei giovanissimi on two-oared pupparini
Itinerary: San Marco Basin, Grand Canal, around the pole at Ca’ Farsetti and arrival at Ca’ Foscari
5.10 pm
Six-oared caorline regatta
Route: San Marco Basin, Grand Canal, Rialto (around the pole at San Marcuola), return along the Grand Canal and arrival at Ca’ Foscari.
>> International Rowing Challenge of Universities
5.40 pm
Women’s regatta on two-oared mascarete
Itinerary: San Marco Basin, Grand Canal, Rialto (around the pole at San Marcuola), return along the Grand Canal and arrival at Ca’ Foscari
16.10 pm
Regatta of gondolini with two oars
Itinerary: San Marco Basin, Grand Canal, Rialto (around the pole at San Marcuola), return along the Grand Canal and arrival at Ca’ Foscari
(source: www.regatastoricavenezia.it)